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This data contains a sample of measurements from dMRI patients. dMRI measures the flow of water through the brain. After the image is processed, a trajectory tracking algorithm is applied to determine the direction of water diffusion. This leads to a collection of fasicles that connect different regions of the brain to each other. This data is for the fasicles that correspond to the Arcuate fascilicus shown below (Source: Wikipedia).




An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 1007 rows and 2 columns.


Tractography showing the arcuate fascilicus

This data contains two measurements:

  1. The position along the region, from one end to the other.

  2. The fa or "fractional anisotropy" a measurement of the amount of diffusivity.


#> # A tibble: 1,007 × 2
#>    position    fa
#>       <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1     1.09 0.255
#>  2     1.22 0.298
#>  3     1.31 0.250
#>  4     1.34 0.276
#>  5     1.51 0.190
#>  6     1.59 0.196
#>  7     2.02 0.208
#>  8     2.20 0.267
#>  9     2.99 0.223
#> 10     3.01 0.311
#> # ℹ 997 more rows