Lab 00 Git


September 5, 2024


  1. Check your Canvas profile settings to ensure the email associated with your Canvas account is correct.
  2. Review your Canvas notification settings and decide what you want to be notified about.
  3. Visit the Course website. In particular, as you might expect, this course requires computing. We will use R and RStudio as well as Git and GitHub. See the Computing tab.
  4. If you have never used GitHub before, go to create an account. You should be aware that this data is stored on US servers. Please exercise caution whenever using personal information. You may wish to use a pseudonym to protect your privacy if you have concerns. k_asking_for_help/).

If you haven’t already, visit and follow the instructions to set up your computer.

Now we have to clone your labs-<username> repo.

  1. Navigate to the Course Github using the link at the top of the Course Website or from Canvas.
  2. Then go to your labs-<username>.
  3. Click the Green “Code” button, and copy the url by clicking the two overlapping squares.
  4. Then in RStudio, choose “New project” > “Version Control” > “Git” and paste the address.
  5. Choose a location on your machine where you want all your labs to be.
  6. Select “Create Project”.

Lab overview

If you followed all the steps above, you should have an RStudio project for all the labs for this course. You will never have to do any of those steps again (except the Cloning, once, for your Homework).

In this lab, we’ll do two things. The first is to demonstrate the “correct” way to do a lab or assignment and submit it. So we’ll get this unfinished lab all ready for submission.

The second thing is to explore Git just a little. Specifically, we’ll pretend like we’re doing another submission and mess everything up. Then we’ll fix it. Finally, we’ll submit the whole lab.

The right way

Beginning a new Lab or homework assignment always starts out like this.

  1. In the upper right quadrant of RStudio, you should see a number of tabs. Click the one that says “Git”.
  2. On the right side it should say main. This is the branch you’re on.
  3. ALWAYS, start from main.
  4. Create a new branch by clicking the thing that looks like two purple squares pointing at a diamond.
  5. You can name your branch anything you like, but I’d suggest lab00-git to denote the work that will happen here.
  6. Ensure that “Sync branch with remote” is checked and click “Create”.
  7. Now open lab00-git.Rmd. You’ll see all the instructions you’ve been looking at there in that document.
  8. Try to click Knit or use Cmd+Shift+K (Ctrl+Shift+K on Windows/Linux). To render the lab to .pdf. You should always do this first to make sure everything works.
  9. On the previous line, Delete the last sentence “You should always do this first…”. And Save.
  10. Now, looking in the Git panel, you should see lab00-git.Rmd and lab00-git.pdf with check boxes next to them.
  11. Git “Stages” your changes when you click the check box. Click the box by lab00-git.Rmd.
  12. Commit your changes by clicking Commit. A message window will pop up. Type a message about what you did. Something like “Edit Lab 0 instructions.” Click Commit.

The last two steps are the basic procedure you will always use. You save regularly. Every so often (maybe each time you finish a section), you Stage + Commit. For a lab to get full credit, you must have done this at least twice.

Note, only files that are “Committed” will ever go to Github for grading. You should only commit the .Rmd and the .pdf. If other things appear, you may be doing something wrong.

So at this point you’ve made one commit.


In other labs and homework, you’ll see something that looks like

::: {.solbox data-latex=""}

some dumb text


It’s called .solbox because that’s where your solutions will go. It makes it easier for the TAs to find your answers. So don’t delete this. You should safely put code and markdown text inside, and it will all “work”.

But watch out. It MUST contain text. That’s why it starts with text in it. If you delete it, resulting in an empty box, your document won’t Knit.

End Aside

Let’s pretend, now that we’re Done With The Lab. You may still see the unstaged .pdf file in that window. If so, don’t worry, ignore that for the moment. Click the Green Up Arrow.

That “Pushes” your changes to Github. There, the TAs can see what you’ve done. Go back to your Browser and take a look. You may need to refresh the page.

You should see a Yellow bar that says something like “lab00-git had recent pushes” and a Green Button that says “Compare & pull request”. Click that button!

Now you can write notes to the TA that will review your work. You give it a title like “Submission of Lab 00”. There are also some prompts for you to address. Go ahead and answer all the questions. While you’re there, scroll down and examine the changes you’ve made. You should only see a small modification to 1 file. Go ahead and click the Green Button that says “Create pull request”.

At this point, you would be done (kinda). The TAs will automatically be triggered to review your work. They can comment on what you’ve done and leave the grade. But we’re not done. That’s OK Even though you’ve opened the Pull Request (PR), you can still push more changes to the branch. So that’s what we’ll do.

In General, you would
for (i in niters) {

  1. for (j in work) Do work and save.
  2. Stage and commit changes.


  1. Push your work to Github.

When done, go to Github and open a PR. Request review from the TAs.

To avoid future headaches: use the dropdown menu to go back to main.

The wrong way(s)

Scenario 1. You do work on the wrong branch.

Make sure that you are on main. Remember that the actual submission is on the lab00-git branch.

In the R code chunk below, fit a linear model to the data and print the estimated coefficients, rounded to 2 decimal places.

dat <- tibble(
  x1 = rnorm(100),
  x2 = rnorm(100),
  y = 2 + 3*x1 - x2 + rnorm(100)

Now, stage the .Rmd. Commit with the message “on the wrong branch” and push.

You likely see an error like:

remote: error: GH006: Protected branch update failed for refs/heads/main.

That’s because you’re on main. Ugh! But I did some work, and now I need to be on a different branch!

So let’s fix it. We want the stuff we just did on main to be on lab00-git. Note that everything you did is saved! Here are the steps:

Get our changes onto the correct branch

  1. Use the dropdown to switch branches to lab00-git.
  2. Go to the Terminal (next to console).
  3. Type git merge main.

That should copy all your changes in the .Rmd that you made on main into the correct place. Did it?

If you do this and you ever see stuff like

<<<<<<< HEAD
This is the stuff that is currently on this branch.
This is stuff that got added on the other branch.
While someone else changed stuff on this branch!
I (git) don't know which to keep!?
You have to decide for me.
>>>>>>> new_branch_for_merge_conflict

This means that there were conflicts between the two versions. The stuff above ====== was in your current branch. The stuff below is what you’re trying to merge in. You decide what to keep, the top, the bottom, or both (or neither). Just be sure to delete the junk lines with <, >, or =.

Once you’ve resolved conflicts (and committed the conflict changes), double check the following:

  • You are on the correct branch (lab00-git)
  • You have no files with uncommitted changes in the “Git” tab
  • Your changes to the R chunk above exist (on this branch)

Another way you can check for your changes is by running the git log commmand. You should see something like the following:

commit 1efefd8473c2cc81893dd2a5ded929978d9ee2aa (HEAD -> lab00-git, main)
Author: Geoff Pleiss <>
Date:   Fri Aug 30 16:41:58 2024 -0700

    on the wrong branch

commit 328436d60d8153db7f5b8caef56919b69a5448a2 (origin/main)
Author: Geoff Pleiss <>
Date:   Fri Aug 30 4:44:09 2024 -0700

    Update git instructions

commit bb21d0cc444e65be9d801c6b672ba7491509f030
Author: Geoff Pleiss <>
Date:   Fri Aug 30 10:59:12 2024 -0700


There’s a lot of information here, but you should (hopefully) see at the top your latest commit with the message “on the wrong branch.” The long string at the start of the commit (1efefd8473c2cc81893dd2a5ded929978d9ee2aa) is the hash. It is a unique identifier of the commit, which can be useful if you want to reference a specific commit with other commands.

Type q to exit the log viewer.

Ok. So now we have our changes in the right spot. Commit and Push the .Rmd (only). Let’s clean up main so we don’t have problems later. Switch back to main.

Undo mistakes on the wrong branch.

In the terminal, type the following two commands:

git fetch
git reset --hard origin/main

There’s a lot to unpack in these two commands, but here’s the high level idea: we want to make sure that our main branch matches what’s on Github’s remote main branch. The second command resets our local main branch so that it has exactly the same commits as Github’s remote main branch. (The first command makes sure that our local computer knows about the latest changes on Github’s remote branches.)

If you now type git log, you should now see

commit 328436d60d8153db7f5b8caef56919b69a5448a2 (HEAD -> main, origin/main)
Author: Geoff Pleiss <>
Date:   Fri Aug 30 4:44:09 2024 -0700

    Update git instructions

commit bb21d0cc444e65be9d801c6b672ba7491509f030
Author: Geoff Pleiss <>
Date:   Fri Aug 30 10:59:12 2024 -0700


So our local main branch matches what’s on Github, and no longer contains the “on the wrong branch” commit. You can also verify that your changes to the R code on this branch are now gone.

To recap, now the work we want is in the right place (on the other branch), and the mess on main is cleaned up. Boom.

Scenario 2. You did something you shouldn’t have

Switch your branch back to lab00-git (or whatever you named it).

Open the file lab01.Rmd. Select everything after # Instructions and delete it. Save. Then Knit (producing a pdf). Commit both files with a message “did the wrong lab, and built a pdf”. Push your commits with the Green up arrow.

Take a look at the PR on Github now. There’s a bunch of crud that shouldn’t be there.

We’ve done 3 things here that we shouldn’t have.

  1. We built a pdf that we don’t want at all. It needs to go away.
  2. We bollixed up the lab01.Rmd file. We don’t want that or it will screw up the lab next week.
  3. We pushed it all into our submission for this week.

The first instinct is to Delete both files, commit, and push. This is VERY BAD. That will further screw up everything. Basically, you’re telling git “I don’t want these files at all” when you mean “I don’t want changes to these files in this branch”. The difference is subtle but important. Because you DO want these files (without the changes) at some point, but you don’t want them here.

Let’s fix these issues.

First, we want to “get rid of” the pdf. In the Terminal type

git reset HEAD^ -- lab01.pdf

Click the little “Refresh” arrow in the Git panel. You should now see lab01.pdf twice, once with a red D that is checked and once with two yellow question marks that is NOT checked. This is what we want.

Commit exactly as is. Use a message like “remove the stray pdf” and Push. Now, take a look at the PR on Github. It should be gone from the list of files in the PR.

There’s still that annoying two-yellow-question-mark version in the Git panel. Don’t click the check box (that will just redo everything we undid). Instead, highlight the file by clicking the file name, click the Gear Icon Dropdown, and then select “Revert”. Now it’s gone, and the pdf should disappear from your filesystem.

Second, let’s “undo” the deletion in the .Rmd. This is easy, and a useful pattern to remember.

In the Terminal, type

git checkout main -- lab01.Rmd

What this does is grabs the version on main that isn’t messed up and puts it here, overwriting your changes. This isn’t the only way to fix your problem (you could have done the same thing we did with the pdf), but it’s pretty easy.

Stage commit and push. Now look at the PR on Github. Even though you made two changes (one deleting everything, and one restoring everything) to the lab01.Rmd, it should be “gone” from the PR now. That’s because the version on this branch looks just like the version on main, so there are no changes to be made into the main branch. This is just what we want.

Now we’ve also fixed the third error already. None of those bogus changes to lab01 are in our PR for this week anymore.

Finish up

Your Git panel should be empty. Take this opportunity to change your branch to main. This will avoid issues when you start Lab 01 next week.

We’re now done with this lab. This all probably seems a bit painful, but our goal is to avoid all these things in the future. If you’re careful, in this class, you won’t have to do any of this junk again. In real life, if you work in Data Science or Software Development or Machine Learning, you might. Let’s just recap THE RIGHT WAY.

  1. For HW or Labs, always start on main.
  2. Create a branch for your HW/Lab and switch to it. The name doesn’t matter, but it’s good practice to name in something meaningful (rather than something like stat406-lab-1 when you’re doing lab 4).
  3. Open the HW/Lab .Rmd and click Knit. Make sure it works.
  4. Do the work, saving regularly. When you complete a section, Commit the file with a useful message (Push or Not).
  5. Once you’re done, make sure that you have done the minimum number of Commits, push your .Rmd and the knitted .pdf.
  6. Open a PR and respond to the questions.
  7. Make sure that only the .Rmd and the .pdf for this HW/Lab are there. And Create Pull Request.
  8. On your machine, switch the branch to main to prepare for the next HW/Lab. And click the Blue Pull button to sync your main with the one on Github.

If the TA asks for changes, just switch to the branch for this assignment, and make the requested changes. It’s all on your machine (even if the pdf disappears when you switch).