Stat 406
Geoff Pleiss, Trevor Campbell
Last modified – 18 November 2024
\[ \DeclareMathOperator*{\argmin}{argmin} \DeclareMathOperator*{\argmax}{argmax} \DeclareMathOperator*{\minimize}{minimize} \DeclareMathOperator*{\maximize}{maximize} \DeclareMathOperator*{\find}{find} \DeclareMathOperator{\st}{subject\,\,to} \newcommand{\E}{E} \newcommand{\Expect}[1]{\E\left[ #1 \right]} \newcommand{\Var}[1]{\mathrm{Var}\left[ #1 \right]} \newcommand{\Cov}[2]{\mathrm{Cov}\left[#1,\ #2\right]} \newcommand{\given}{\ \vert\ } \newcommand{\X}{\mathbf{X}} \newcommand{\x}{\mathbf{x}} \newcommand{\y}{\mathbf{y}} \newcommand{\P}{\mathcal{P}} \newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\left\lVert #1 \right\rVert} \newcommand{\snorm}[1]{\lVert #1 \rVert} \newcommand{\tr}[1]{\mbox{tr}(#1)} \newcommand{\brt}{\widehat{\beta}^R_{s}} \newcommand{\brl}{\widehat{\beta}^R_{\lambda}} \newcommand{\bls}{\widehat{\beta}_{ols}} \newcommand{\blt}{\widehat{\beta}^L_{s}} \newcommand{\bll}{\widehat{\beta}^L_{\lambda}} \newcommand{\U}{\mathbf{U}} \newcommand{\D}{\mathbf{D}} \newcommand{\V}{\mathbf{V}} \]
What factors affect generalization? (The ability to make accurate predictions)
Why do NN generalize, despite having lots of parameters?
Modern techniques to improve generalization
(The ability to make accurate predictions)
Number of hidden layers (\(L\))
Width of hidden layers (\(D\))
Nonlinearity function
Loss function
Initial SGD step size
SGD step size decay rate
SGD batch size
SGD stopping criterion
Amount of regularization (we’ll talk about this concept in a bit)
Initialization of NN parameters
There are exponentially many designs of NNs
Training a single NN is expensive
NN training depends on random initialization, so you generally have to do multiple runs
Compare a handful of designs on a single holdout set (no cross val)
Principled NN architecture search is an active area of research
Use ReLU nonlinearities, and nothing else
Use the same width for all layers (or grow with with a simple formula)
Measure loss on a validation set throughout training, and stop SGD when the validation loss plateaus
Ask a grad student for their tricks
… despite having tons of parameters?
Consider a NN with ReLU nonlinearities \(g( \boldsymbol w^\top \boldsymbol z) = \max\{\boldsymbol w^\top \boldsymbol z, 0 \}\) with \(L\) hidden layers, each with \(D\) hidden activations.
Number of piecewise-linear regions: \(O(D^L)\) (exponential!)
Number of parameters: \(O(D^2 L)\)
Our NN is capable of learning complicated functions (many piecewise-linear components)
But will it learn the right function from limited data?
Neural networks have lots of parameters ( \(O(D^2 L)\), which is typically \(> n\) )
In theory, we would expect similar bias/variance curves for neural networks as a function of # params
NN risk (as a function of # params
) experiences a “double descent” shape?!?!?!
Most modern NN have tons of parameters, and so they’re explained by the right side of the graph
Image credit: Belkin et al., (2019)
Double descent is a newly discovered phenomenon (~2019)
Statisticians are still trying to understand why it occurs.
There has been good progress since ~2020!
The double descent phenomenon is not specific to neural networks.
We can observe it in basis regression (read: linear models!) as we increase the number of basis functions \(> n\):
xn <- seq(-1.5 * pi, 1.5 * pi, length.out = 1000)
# Spline by hand
X <- bs(df$x, df = 20, intercept = TRUE)
Xn <- bs(xn, df = 20, intercept = TRUE)
S <- svd(X)
yhat <- Xn %*% S$v %*% diag(1/S$d) %*% crossprod(S$u, df$y)
g + geom_line(data = tibble(x = xn, y = yhat), colour = orange) +
ggtitle("20 basis functions (n=20)")
xn <- seq(-1.5 * pi, 1.5 * pi, length.out = 1000)
# Spline by hand
X <- bs(df$x, df = 40, intercept = TRUE)
Xn <- bs(xn, df = 40, intercept = TRUE)
S <- svd(X)
yhat <- Xn %*% S$v %*% diag(1/S$d) %*% crossprod(S$u, df$y)
g + geom_line(data = tibble(x = xn, y = yhat), colour = orange) +
ggtitle("40 basis functions (n=20)")
doffs <- 4:50
mse <- function(x, y) mean((x - y)^2)
get_errs <- function(doff) {
X <- bs(df$x, df = doff, intercept = TRUE)
Xn <- bs(xn, df = doff, intercept = TRUE)
S <- svd(X)
yh <- S$u %*% crossprod(S$u, df$y)
bhat <- S$v %*% diag(1 / S$d) %*% crossprod(S$u, df$y)
yhat <- Xn %*% S$v %*% diag(1 / S$d) %*% crossprod(S$u, df$y)
nb <- sqrt(sum(bhat^2))
tibble(train = mse(df$y, yh), test = mse(yhat, sin(xn)), norm = nb)
errs <- map(doffs, get_errs) |>
list_rbind() |>
mutate(`degrees of freedom` = doffs) |>
pivot_longer(train:test, values_to = "error")
ggplot(errs, aes(`degrees of freedom`, error, color = name)) +
geom_line(linewidth = 2) +
coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, .12)) +
scale_x_log10() +
scale_colour_manual(values = c(blue, orange), name = "") +
geom_vline(xintercept = 20)
Inflection point occurs when # basis functions = n
This is the point at which our basis regressor is able to perfectly fit the training data.
Let \(\boldsymbol Z \in \R^{n \times d}\) be the matrix of basis expansions for our \(n\) training points.
Basis regression is just OLS with the basis expansion \(\boldsymbol Z\): \[ \min_{\boldsymbol \beta} \left\Vert \boldsymbol Z \boldsymbol \beta - \boldsymbol y \right\Vert_2^2. \]
When \(d < n\), the regressor is underparameterized.
I.e. there is no \(\boldsymbol \beta\) that perfectly explains our training responses given our basis-expanded training inputs.
When \(d = n\), there is a value of \(\boldsymbol \beta\) that fits our training data perfectly.
I.e. \(\Vert \boldsymbol Z \boldsymbol \beta - \boldsymbol y \Vert = 0\).
When \(d > n\), we can also fit the data (noise + signal) perfectly.👋 However, more features implies that the the noise gets “spread out” over all of parameters. 👋
👋 Since each parameter only captures “some” of the noise, we are less likely to make predictions based on it. 👋
This explanation is overly simplified, and there is a lot more at play.
(From Hastie et al., 2020)
\(\gamma = D / N\) (ratio of features / data)
\(\sigma^2 = \mathbb{E}[Y|X]\) (observational noise)
When basis features are uncorrelated, we have (asymptotically)
\[ \begin{aligned} \mathrm{Bias}^2 &= \begin{cases} 0 & \gamma < 1 \text{ (underparam.)} \\ 1 - \tfrac{1}{\gamma} & \gamma \geq 1 \text{ (overparam.)} \end{cases} \\ & \\ \mathrm{Var} &= \begin{cases} \sigma^2 \tfrac{\gamma}{1 - \gamma} & \gamma < 1 \text{ (underparam.)} \\ \sigma^2 \tfrac{1}{\gamma - 1} & \gamma \geq 1 \text{ (overparam.)} \end{cases} \\ \end{aligned} \]
Regularizing a neural network (adding a complexity penalty to the loss) is a common practice to prevent overfitting to the noise.
\[ \argmin_{\boldsymbol W^{(t)}, \boldsymbol \beta} \sum_{i=1}^n \ell(y_i, \hat f_\mathrm{NN}(\boldsymbol x_i) \: + \: \text{complexity penalty} \]
E.g. weight decay / L2 regularization:
\[ \text{complexity penalty} = \frac{\lambda}{2} \left( \Vert \boldsymbol \beta \Vert_2^2 + \sum_{i=1}^L \Vert \mathrm{vec} (\boldsymbol W^{(L)}) \Vert_2^2 \right) \]
\(\lambda\) is a tuning parameter
What does weight decay / L2 regularization remind you of? Think about linear models
\[ \text{complexity penalty} = \frac{\lambda}{2} \left( \Vert \boldsymbol \beta \Vert_2^2 + \sum_{i=1}^L \Vert \mathrm{vec} (\boldsymbol W^{(L)}) \Vert_2^2 \right) \]
Before we understood double descent, we used to think you needed high \(\lambda\) (lots of regularization) to combat high variance
Now that we understand double descent (and we realize we don’t have a variance problem), it’s now uncommon to do anything more than light weight decay (small \(\lambda\))
So far we’ve studied neural networks where we (recursively) construct basis functions from “building blocks” of the form: \[ \boldsymbol a^{(t)}_j = g( \boldsymbol w^{(i)\top}_j \boldsymbol a^{(t - 1)}) \]
These neural networks are known as multilayer perceptrons (MLP).
By using different building blocks, we can make neural networks that are more adept to different types of data. E.g.:
Convolutional NN (good for image data)
Graph NN (good for molecules, social networks, etc.)
Transformers (good for language and sequential data)
Rather than computing an inner product with the hidden layer parameters (i.e. \(\boldsymbol w^{(i)\top}_j \boldsymbol a^{(t - 1)}\)), we instead perform a convolution:
\[ \boldsymbol a^{(t)}_j = g( \boldsymbol w^{(i)}_j \star \boldsymbol a^{(t - 1)}) \]
Captures spatial correlations amongst neighbouring pixels
Predictions remain constant even if we translate objects in the image
The convolutional building blocks are usually combined with other building blocks, like pooling layers and normalization layers.
Why is a convolutional neural network better for images?
Image credit: Varsha Kishore
With an standard MLP, we’d need to “flatten” our image into a vector of pixels. This flattening doesn’t preseve spatial correlations amongst pixels.
If the dog in our image shifts, then we are not guaranteed to make the same prediction (we are not translation invariant).
You want to build an image classifier for CT scans, but you only have \(n=1000\) 😢
Conventional wisdom would tell you that you don’t have enough data to train a neural network.
Start with an existing neural network trained on a related predictive task
Train this neural network on your data using gradient descent with a small step size
Also known as fine-tuning
The original NN has learned basis functions that are REALLY good for image data
You are now essentially using these good basis functions on your smaller dataset
Not much theory for why NN work (though this is increasing)
NN are best for unstructured data types (e.g. images, text, etc.)
Best when combined with a specialty architecture (e.g. convolutional NN)
If you have “tabular” data, use another algorithm (e.g. random forest)
Transfer learning is now the defacto approach
Try not to train NN from scratch
Makes NN work for small datasets
NN are computational expensive
They won’t run on your laptiop
You need a GPU cluster
NN are amazing, but they’re not always the right solution. What are some other downsides?
If you want to play around with NN, learn Python
There’s an example on the website of how to train NN in R. It’s gnarly.
Use the PyTorch library
There’s a wide world of NN to learn about!
Module 5
unsupervised learning
UBC Stat 406 - 2024