class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # 09 Paths and rules ### STAT 535A ### Daniel J. McDonald ### Last modified - 2021-02-08 --- ## So far $$ \newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\argmin}[1]{\underset{#1}{\textrm{argmin}}} \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\left\lVert #1 \right\rVert} \newcommand{\indicator}{1} \renewcommand{\bar}{\overline} \renewcommand{\hat}{\widehat} \newcommand{\tr}[1]{\mbox{tr}(#1)} \newcommand{\Set}[1]{\left\{#1\right\}} \newcommand{\dom}[1]{\textrm{dom}\left(#1\right)} \newcommand{\st}{\;\;\textrm{ s.t. }\;\;} $$ .pull-left[ $$ `\begin{aligned} \min_x &\quad f(x)\\ \textrm{s.t} &\quad Ax-b=0\\ &\quad h_i(x)\leq 0 \end{aligned}` $$ * Think of this as our target. * Can we solve analytically? * 1st-order methods to solve numerically. (GD, tricks, Prox, ADMM, CD) * Properties of the solutions (KKT, Duals) ] -- .pull-right[ Constant companion $$ \min_x \quad f(x) + \lambda \textrm{pen}(x) $$ * Standard type of problem in statistics. * Why? `\(f\)` is likelihood, `\(\textrm{pen}\)` encodes "prior". * In fact, Bayesian methods (on the log-scale) are exactly this * Priors encode structure: sparsity, shrinkage, etc. * Dantzig selector, Lasso, Ridge, Matrix decomposition, Glasso, Sparse PCA/CCA, Convex Clustering, ELnet, Group lasso, etc. ] --- ## Problem $$ \min_x \quad f(x) + \lambda \textrm{pen}(x) $$ * We have applied our techniques to this problem * But always for `\(\lambda=\lambda_0\)` -- **THIS NEVER HAPPENS IN STATISTICS!!** -- We do not know, a priori, what `\(\lambda_0\)` we want (balance bias and variance). We use CV, AIC, BIC, etc to choose `\(\lambda^*\)`, after we solved the problem for all `\(\lambda \in \{\lambda_1,\ldots,\lambda_K\}\)`. **Today:** We solve for a bunch of `\(\lambda\)` at once. --- ## Goals $$ \min_x \quad f(x) + \lambda \textrm{pen}(x) $$ 1. Which `\(\{\lambda_1,\ldots,\lambda_K\}\)` do we use? 2. What `\(x_0\)` do we use? 3. If we have a solution at `\(\lambda_i\)`, can this help at `\(\lambda_j\)`? -- **Methods:** Use the Dual and KKT conditions to get some insights. Insights work for many problems of this form, but we'll do them for Lasso. This address all 3 points. --- ## Lesson 1. $$ \min_\beta \quad \frac{1}{2n}\norm{y-X\beta}_2^2 + \lambda \norm{\beta}_1 $$ * KKT: a solution `\(\hat\beta\)` must satisfy `\(\Rightarrow \frac{1}{n}\left| X^\top_j(y-X\hat{\beta}) \right| \leq \lambda\)` for all `\(j\)`. * Strict inequality means `\(\hat\beta_j = 0\)`. * Suppose `\(\hat\beta = 0\)`, how big must `\(\lambda\)` be? -- * We need `\(\frac{1}{n}\left| X^\top_j y \right| \leq \lambda\)` for all `\(j\)` * So we take `\(\lambda_{\max} = \frac{1}{n}\norm{X^\top y}_\infty\)`. -- Appearance of `\(\norm{\cdot}_\infty\)` is not a coincidence. --- **Lesson 1** actually solved 2 problems It says 1. start at `\(\beta_0 = 0\)` and 2. start at `\(\lambda=\lambda_{\max} = \frac{1}{n}\norm{X^\top y}_\infty\)` What comes next requires some more tricks to get to `glmnet` But LARS algorithm uses this. -- Suppose `\(j\)` gives `\(\lambda_{\max}\)` and all other coefs are zero until `\(\lambda = \lambda_{\max} - \delta\)`. Now, KKT: `\(-\frac{1}{n}X_j^\top(y-X_j\beta_j) = \pm\lambda \Longrightarrow \beta_j = (\frac{1}{n}X_j^\top y \pm \lambda) / \frac{1}{n}X_j^\top X_j\)` This says: "until I get to `\(\lambda_{\max} - \delta\)`, `\(\beta_j\)` is linear in `\(\lambda\)`" -- From here, new variables are added, but similar arguments hold. This is called a **Path algorithm** and it is exact. It solves for a whole range of `\(\lambda\)`, not a set of `\(\lambda\)` values. But it only works in certain cases, and it's not that fast. --- ## Lesson 2. ```r x <- matrix(rnorm(100*200), 100) y <- x %*% c(rep(5,15), rep(0,185)) + rnorm(100) lambda_max <- max(abs(t(y) %*% x)) / 100 df <- tibble(lambda = seq(lambda_max, lambda_max * 1e-4, length.out = 1000)) lasso <- glmnet::glmnet(x, y, lambda = df$lambda) df$one_norm <- apply(lasso$beta, 2, function(x) sum(abs(x))) ``` .pull-left[ <img src="rmd_gfx/09-paths/unnamed-chunk-2-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ * More action happens for small `\(\lambda\)` * Typical to space the values on the **log** scale * `\(\lambda_\max = \frac{1}{n}\norm{X^\top y}_\infty\)` * `\(\lambda_\min = \epsilon\lambda_\max\)` * `\(\epsilon = \begin{cases} 0.01 & n < p\\ 0.0001 & n > p \end{cases}\)` ] --- ## Warm starts 1. So we start with `\(\lambda_1=\lambda_\max\)` and `\(\hat\beta_{\lambda_1} = 0\)`. Suppose desired number of `\(\lambda\)`'s is `\(K\)` 2. Now for each `\(i > 1\)`, set `\(\lambda_{k} = \delta\lambda_{k-1}\)` where `\(\delta = \epsilon^{1 / (K - 1)}\)`. 3. Initialize `\(\hat\beta_{\lambda_k} = \hat\beta_{\lambda_{k-1}}\)` 4. Run ISTA or FISTA or CD until convergence. 5. Go back to step 2 and repeat until we get to `\(\lambda_\min\)`. -- Step 3 is called a "warm start". The differences between solutions at neighboring `\(\lambda\)`'s usually isn't that much, so we should be nearly there. In many situations, `glmnet` can be faster to fit 100 values than to fit 1. --- ## Lesson 3. Since we start with a bunch of 0's, can we tell if a bunch of solutions will still be 0? The answer is yes. **SAFE rule** ([El Ghaoui 2010]( is a guarantee but a bit challenging to see: `$$|X_i^\top y| < \lambda - \norm{X_i}_2\norm{y}\left(\frac{\lambda_\max - \lambda}{\lambda_\max}\right) \Rightarrow \hat\beta_i = 0$$` --- Intuition: start with the dual, write `\(g(u) = \frac{1}{2n}\norm{y}_2^2 - \frac{1}{2n}\norm{y-u}_2^2\)`. `$$\textrm{Dual}\quad \max_u g(u) \quad\textrm{s.t.}\quad\norm{X^\top u}_\infty \leq \lambda$$` Take `\(u_0 = \frac{\lambda}{\lambda_\max}y\)`. This is dual feasible. Then, `\(\gamma := g(u_0)\)` is a lower bound for the dual optimum. `$$\textrm{Equivalent}\quad \max_u g(u) \quad\textrm{s.t.}\quad\norm{X^\top u}_\infty \leq \lambda,\; g(u) \geq \gamma$$` --- Now consider a related problem. `$$m_i = \max_u |X_i^\top u| \quad \textrm{s.t.} \quad g(u) \geq \gamma$$` Now, if `\(m_i < \lambda\)`, then `\(\norm{X_i^\top u} < \lambda\)` so `\(\hat\beta_i = 0\)`. Solving the above problem gives `$$m_i = \norm{X_i}_2\sqrt{\norm{y}_2^2 - 2\gamma} + |X_i^\top y|.$$` Plugging in `\(\gamma\)` gives the SAFE rule. .center[  ] --- ## Strong rule The SAFE rule is a guarantee, but it often retains a lot of variables (that are actually 0 at the solution) We know that at the solution, `\(\frac{1}{n}|X_j^\top(y-X\hat\beta_\lambda)| < \lambda \Rightarrow \hat\beta_{\lambda j}=0\)` Try something: write `\(c_j(\lambda) := \frac{1}{n}X_j^\top(y-X\hat\beta_\lambda)\)` (see [Tibshirani et al.]( **Assume** `\(c_j(\lambda)\)` is 1-Lipschitz in `\(\lambda\)`: `\(|c_j(\lambda)-c_j(\lambda')| \leq |\lambda-\lambda'|\)`. Now, if `\(|c_j(\lambda_{k-1})|<2\lambda_{k}-\lambda_{k-1}\)`, then $$ `\begin{aligned} |c_j(\lambda_k)| &\leq |c_j(\lambda_k)-c_j(\lambda_{k-1})| + |c_j(\lambda_{k-1})|\\ &\leq (\lambda_{k-1}-\lambda_k) + (2\lambda_{k}-\lambda_{k-1})\\ &= \lambda_k\\ &\Rightarrow \hat\beta_j=0 \end{aligned}` $$ -- * Strong Rule: (1) assume 1-Lipschitz, (2) screen out coordinates with `\(|c_j(\lambda_{k-1})|<2\lambda_{k}-\lambda_{k-1}\)`, (3) do FISTA/CD on those we keep * This was an assumption, so at the end of a loop, we check for violations with `\(\frac{1}{n}|X_j^\top(y-X\hat\beta(\lambda_k))| > \lambda_k\)` --- ## Complete strategy (with CD) 1. Input `\(K\)`. 2. Find `\(\lambda_\max\)`. Set `\(\hat\beta = 0\)`. 3. For `\(k = 2,\ldots, K\)`. - Set `\(\hat\beta_k = \hat\beta_{k-1}\)` - Find the non-zero coordinates using the strong rule (the active set) - Run CD until convergence on only the active set. - Check the KKT condition for all coordinates. If any have `\(\frac{1}{n}|X_j^\top (y- X\hat\beta_k)| > \lambda_k\)`, then add those to the active set and restart CD at the current solution.