Recommended books

These are Prof. Harry Joe’s suggestions for resources on different statistical topics that students might not be exposed to before Stat 550/551.

The student can also learn about the topic and not just about how an R function works.

Books with R in the title are generally not good for learning the theory.

A book reference with theory and good examples is better than a URL.

ANOVA for different experimental designs (includes random effects, unbalanced).
Statistical Analysis of Designed Experiments, A C. Tamhane (2009), Wiley.
Logistic regression and diagnostics.
Applied Logistic Regression, 2nd ed, Hosmer and Lemeshow (2000), Wiley.
Survival or time-to-event data.
Statistical Models and Methods for Lifetime Data, 2nd ed, J.F. Lawless (2003), Wiley.
Time series including multivariate.
Time Series Analysis, Univariate and multivariate methods, 2nd ed., W.W.S. Wei (1990), Addison.
Factor models as part of multivariate statistics.
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, 5th ed, Johnson and Wichern (2002), Prentice Hall (not e-available).
SEM = Structural equation models.
Linear Causal Modeling with Structural Equations, S.A. Mulaik (2009), Chapman&Hall/CRC.
Meta-Analysis of Controlled Clinical Trials, A. Whitehead (2002), Wiley.
Numerical maximum likelihood.
Nonlinear Parameter Optimization Using R Tools, J.C. Nash (2014), Wiley.
Item response, validity and reliability of instruments for abstract attributes.
Test Theory: A Unified Treatment, R.D. McDonald (1999), Routledge.
Sample size calculation. e.g. non-central t, non-central F etc.,. and general approach.
Statistical power analysis : a simple and general model for traditional and modern hypothesis tests, 4th edition. Kevin R. Murphy, Brett Myors, Allen Wolach (2014), Routledge.
This book covers many cases. However the principle of sample size calculation can be shown better in a few pages based on examples that show the derivation of the distribution of the test statistic under a point null hypothesis and under a point alternative hypothesis.
Survey sampling
Sampling Design and Analysis, Second Edition. Sharon L. Lohr, CRC 2019.
Especially Chapter 8 Nonresponse; Section 8.3 Callbacks and Two-Phase Sampling.
TRC Market Research, Non-Response Bias In Survey Sampling.
Machine learning procedures
Elements of Statistical Learning, 2nd edition. Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman (2009), Springer.