7  Non-parametric regression

We now turn our attention to the situation where the regression function E(Y|X) is not necessarily linear. Furthermore, we will assume that its form is unknown. If we knew that the regression function was a linear combination of a sine and a cosine function, “E(Y|X=x) = a + b sin(x) + c cos(x)”, where a, b and c are uknown, for example, then the problem would in fact be a linear regression problem. More in general, when the true regression function is known (or assumed) to belong to a family of functions that we can parametrize, then the estimation can be done via standard least squares. Instead here we focus on the case where the regression function is completely unknown.

In this note and the next one will discuss two ways to estimating \(E(Y|X)\):

  1. one using bases (e.g. a polynomial basis, or a spline basis); and
  2. one using kernels (aka local regression).

To simplify the presentation (but also because of an intrinsic limitation of these methods, which will be discussed in more detail later in the course), we will initially only consider the case where there is a single explanatory variable (i.e. X above is a scalar, not a vector).

7.1 Polynomial regression

To illustrate these basis methods, we will consider the lidar data, available in the package SemiPar. More information is available from the corresponding help page: help(lidar, package='SemiPar'). We now load the data and plot it, the response variable is logratio and the explanatory one is range:

data(lidar, package = "SemiPar")
plot(logratio ~ range, data = lidar, pch = 19, col = "gray", cex = 1.5)

In class we discussed the formal motivation to look into a polynomial approximation of the regression function. This argument, however, does not specify which degree of the approximating polynomial to use. Here we first try a 4th degree polynomial and the problem reduces to a linear regression one (see the lecture slides). We can use a command like lm(logratio ~ range + range^2 + range^3 + range^4). However, this call to lm will not work as we intend it (I recommend that you check this and find out the reason why). Instead, we would need to use something like lm(logratio ~ range + I(range^2) + I(range^3) + I(range^4)). To avoid having to type a long formula, we can instead use the function poly() in R to generate the design matrix containing the desired powers of range, and plug that into the call to lm(). The code below fits two such approximations (a 3rd degree and a 4th degree polynomial), plots the data and overlays the estimated regression function:

# Degree 4 polynomials
pm <- lm(logratio ~ poly(range, 4), data = lidar)
plot(logratio ~ range, data = lidar, pch = 19, col = "gray", cex = 1.5)
lines(predict(pm)[order(range)] ~ sort(range), data = lidar, lwd = 6, col = "blue")
pm3 <- lm(logratio ~ poly(range, 3), data = lidar)
lines(predict(pm3)[order(range)] ~ sort(range), data = lidar, lwd = 6, col = "hotpink")
legend("topright", legend = c("3rd degree", "4th degree"), lwd = 6, col = c("hotpink", "blue"))

Note that this fit is reasonable, although there is probably room for improvement. Based on the formal motivation discussed in class to use polynomials in the first place, it may seem natural to increase the order of the approximating polynomial in order to improve the quality of the approximation. However, this is easily seen not to be a good idea. Below we compare the 4th degree approximation used above (in blue) with a 10th degree one (in red):

# Degree 10 polynomials
pm2 <- lm(logratio ~ poly(range, 10), data = lidar)
plot(logratio ~ range, data = lidar, pch = 19, col = "gray", cex = 1.5)
lines(predict(pm)[order(range)] ~ sort(range), data = lidar, lwd = 6, col = "blue")
lines(predict(pm2)[order(range)] ~ sort(range), data = lidar, lwd = 6, col = "red")

Note that the 10th order fit follows the data much more closely, but it starts to become “too adaptive” and departing quite often from the main (larger scale) trend we associate with the regression (conditional mean) function.

(Can you explain the discrepancy between what we observe above and the motivation we used in class, that suggests that higher order polynomials provide better approximations?)

7.2 A more stable basis: splines

Part of the problem with global polynomial bases as the ones used above is that they necessarily become more wiggly within the range of the data, and also quickly increase or decrease near the edge of the observations. A more stable but also remarkably flexible basis is given by spline functions, as discussed in class.

We first here show how to build a naive linear spline basis with 5 knots (placed at the (1:5)/6 quantiles (i.e. the 0.17, 0.33, 0.5, 0.67, 0.83 percentiles) of the observed values of the explanatory variable), and use it to estimate the regression function. Remember that a linear spline function with knot w is given by f_w(x) = max( x - w, 0 ). Given a fixed set of pre-selected knots w_1, w_2, …, w_k, we consider regression functions that are linear combinations of the corresponding k linear spline functions.

Note that for higher-order splines (e.g. cubic splines discussed below), the naive spline basis used above is numerically very unstable, and usually works poorly in practice. I include it here simply as an illustration of the methodology and to stress the point that this type of approach (that estimates the regression function as a linear combination of an explicit basis) is in fact nothing more than slightly more complex linear models.

First we find the 5 knots mentioned above that will be used to construct the spline basis:

# select the knots at 5 specific quantiles
(kn <- as.numeric(quantile(lidar$range, (1:5) / 6)))
#> [1] 444.6667 499.6667 555.0000 609.6667 664.6667

Now we compute the matrix of “explanatory variables”, that is: the matrix that in its columns has each of the 5 basis functions f_1, f_2, …, f_5 evaluated at the n observed values of the (single) explanatory variable x_1, …, x_n. In other words, the matrix X has in its (i, j) cell the value f_j(x_i), for j=1, …, k, and i=1, …, n. In the code below we use (abuse?) R’s recycling rules when operating over vectors and arrays (can you spot it?)

# prepare the matrix of covariates / explanatory variables
x <- matrix(0, dim(lidar)[1], length(kn) + 1)
for (j in 1:length(kn)) {
    x[, j] <- pmax(lidar$range - kn[j], 0)
x[, length(kn) + 1] <- lidar$range

Now that we have the matrix of our “explanatory variables”, we can simply use lm to estimate the coefficients of the linear combination of the functions in the spline basis that will provide our regression function estimator. We then plot the data and overlay the fitted / estimated regression function:

# Fit the regression model
ppm <- lm(lidar$logratio ~ x)
plot(logratio ~ range, data = lidar, pch = 19, col = "gray", cex = 1.5)
lines(predict(ppm)[order(range)] ~ sort(range), data = lidar, lwd = 6, col = "hotpink")

There are better (numerically more stable) bases for the same linear space spanned by these spline functions. These bases have different numerical properties and can become cumbersome to describe. Here we use the function bs (in package splines) to build a B-spline basis. For an accessible discussion, see for example (Wood 2017, sec. 4.1).

Given the chosen knots and the degree of the splines (linear, quadratic, cubic, etc.) the set (linear space) of functions we are using to construct our regression estimate does not depend on the specific basis we use (in other words: these are different bases that span the same linear space of functions). As a consequence, the estimated regression function should be the same regardless of the basis we use (provided we do not run into serious numerical issues with our naive basis). To illustrate this fact, we will use a B-spline basis with the same 5 knots as above, and compare the estimated regression function with the one we obtained above using our poor people naive basis. The plot below overlays both fits (the naive one with a thick pink line as above, and the one using b-splines with a thinner blue line):

ppm2 <- lm(logratio ~ bs(range, degree = 1, knots = kn), data = lidar)
plot(logratio ~ range, data = lidar, pch = 19, col = "gray", cex = 1.5)
lines(predict(ppm)[order(range)] ~ sort(range), data = lidar, lwd = 8, col = "hotpink")
lines(predict(ppm2)[order(range)] ~ sort(range), data = lidar, lwd = 3, col = "darkblue")

As expected, both fits provide the same estimated regression function, although its coefficients are naturally different (but their lengths are the same, is this a coincidence, or will it always happen?)

#> [1]  0.0269095640  0.0002488169 -0.0003235802 -0.0082773735  0.0063779378
#> [6]  0.0007385513 -0.0001847752
#> [1] -0.04515276 -0.01010104 -0.00657875 -0.02093988 -0.48762440 -0.60636798
#> [7] -0.68496471

Note that, because we are using a set of linear splines, our estimated regression functions will always be piecewise linear (i.e. linear functions between each pair of knots). To obtain smoother (e.g. differentiable, continuously differentiable, or even twice continously differentiable) regression estimators below we will use higher-order splines.

7.3 Higher order splines (quadratic, cubic, etc.)

In what follows (as above) we will use the function bs to evaluate the desired spline basis on the observed values of the explanatory variable (in this case range).

We use the arguments degree = 2 and knots = kn to indicate we want a quadratic spline basis with knots located at the elements of the vector kn. As before, we then simply use lm to estimate the coefficients, and overlay the estimated regression function over the data:

plot(logratio ~ range, data = lidar, pch = 19, col = "gray", cex = 1.5)
ppmq <- lm(logratio ~ bs(range, degree = 2, knots = kn), data = lidar)
lines(predict(ppmq)[order(range)] ~ sort(range), data = lidar, lwd = 6, col = "steelblue")

A useful consequence of the fact that these regression estimators are in fact just linear regression estimators (but using a richer / more flexible basis than just the straight predictors) is that we can easily compute (pointwise) standard errors for the fitted regression curve, as follows. We first fit and plot a quadratic spline using the same 5 knots as before:

plot(logratio ~ range, data = lidar, pch = 19, col = "gray", cex = 1.5)
ppmc <- lm(logratio ~ bs(range, degree = 2, knots = kn), data = lidar)
lines(predict(ppmc)[order(range)] ~ sort(range), data = lidar, lwd = 6, col = "gray30")

To compute the estimated standard error of the predicted regression curve on a grid of values of the explanatory variable range, we first build a grid of 200 equally spaced points within the observed scope of the variable range:

xx <- seq(min(lidar$range), max(lidar$range), length = 200)

The predict method for objects of class lm returns estimated standard errors for each fitted value if we set the argument se.fit = TRUE:

ppmc <- lm(logratio ~ bs(range, degree = 2, knots = kn), data = lidar)
ps <- predict(ppmc, newdata = list(range = xx), se.fit = TRUE)

We now compute upper and lower confidence bands (I used 2 standard errors) around the fitted regression line:

up <- (ps$fit + 2 * ps$se.fit)
lo <- (ps$fit - 2 * ps$se.fit)

Finally, we display the confidence bands we just constructed (using base R graphics, but also consider using ggplot2):

plot(logratio ~ range, data = lidar, pch = 19, col = "gray", cex = 1.5)
lines(predict(ppmc)[order(range)] ~ sort(range), data = lidar, lwd = 4, col = "gray30")
myrgb <- col2rgb("red") / 256 # , alpha=TRUE)
myrgb <- rgb(red = myrgb[1], green = myrgb[2], blue = myrgb[3], alpha = .3)
polygon(c(xx, rev(xx)), c(up, rev(lo)), density = NA, col = myrgb) #' lightblue')
lines(ps$fit ~ xx, data = lidar, lwd = 4, col = "blue")

It is important to note that the above confidence bands were constructed assuming that the knots were fixed (not random), and similarly for the degree of the spline basis.

Increasing the degree of the cubic basis yields smoother fits (having higher order continuous derivatives). For example, using cubic splines yields an even smoother fit:

# cubic splines
plot(logratio ~ range, data = lidar, pch = 19, col = "gray", cex = 1.5)
ppmc <- lm(logratio ~ bs(range, degree = 3, knots = kn), data = lidar)
lines(predict(ppmc)[order(range)] ~ sort(range), data = lidar, lwd = 6, col = "tomato3")

Note that the estimated regression function seems to have started to “twitch” and wiggle, particularly at the upper end of our observations.

7.4 How many knots should we use?

So far we have used 5 knots, but we could have used any other number of knots. If we consider a quadratic spline basis with 10 knots, the fit appears a bit better (at least aesthetically):

k <- 10
kn <- as.numeric(quantile(lidar$range, (1:k)/(k + 1)))
plot(logratio ~ range, data = lidar, pch = 19, col = "gray", cex = 1.5)
ppmc <- lm(logratio ~ bs(range, degree = 2, knots = kn), data = lidar)
lines(predict(ppmc)[order(range)] ~ sort(range), data = lidar, lwd = 6, col = "tomato3")

What about using more knots? The following plot used 50 knots:

k <- 50
kn <- as.numeric(quantile(lidar$range, (1:k) / (k + 1)))
ppmc <- lm(logratio ~ bs(range, degree = 2, knots = kn), data = lidar)
plot(logratio ~ range, data = lidar, pch = 19, col = "gray", cex = 1.5)
lines(predict(ppmc)[order(range)] ~ sort(range), data = lidar, lwd = 6, col = "hotpink")

Clearly not a good idea!

7.5 Smoothing splines

If we were to follow the approach discussed so far we would need to find an “optimal” of selecting the number of knots and their positions, plus the order of the spline basis. Although one could consider using cross-validation for this, we note that this would require considerable computational effort (we would need to perform an exhaustive search on a 3-dimensional grid).

We saw in class that natural cubic splines provide a natural optimal space to look for a good regression estimator. For a formal but surprisingly simple proof of this optimality result, see again Section 4.1 of

Wood, S. (2006). Generalized additive models : an introduction with R. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL. Library link.

This result not only justifies using natural cubic splines, but also eliminates many of the unknown “tuning parameters” (the degree of the spline basis, the number of knots, and their locations). In fact, we only need to select one tuning parameter–the penalty term, which can be done using any cross-validation “flavour” (although in this setting leave-one-out CV is particularly appealing, as we discussed in class).

The function smooth.spline in R computes a cubic smoothing spline (natural cubic spline). Details on its arguments and different options are available from its help page.

When applied to the lidar data with penalization parameter equal to 0.2 (setting the argument spar = 0.2) we obtain the following estimated regression function:

plot(logratio ~ range, data = lidar, pch = 19, col = "gray", cex = 1.5)
tmp <- smooth.spline(x = lidar$range, y = lidar$logratio, spar = 0.2, cv = FALSE,
    all.knots = TRUE)
lines(tmp$y ~ tmp$x, lwd = 6, col = "magenta")

This fit is clearly too wiggly and unsatisfactory. To obtain a smoother fit we increase the penalty term to 0.5:

plot(logratio ~ range, data = lidar, pch = 19, col = "gray", cex = 1.5)
tmp <- smooth.spline(x = lidar$range, y = lidar$logratio, spar = 0.5, cv = FALSE,
    all.knots = TRUE)
lines(tmp$y ~ tmp$x, lwd = 6, col = "red")

The larger the penalty parameter, the smoother the fit. Setting it to 0.8 yields:

plot(logratio ~ range, data = lidar, pch = 19, col = "gray", cex = 1.5)
tmp <- smooth.spline(x = lidar$range, y = lidar$logratio, spar = 0.8, cv = FALSE,
    all.knots = TRUE)
lines(tmp$y ~ tmp$x, lwd = 6, col = "blue")

It is easy to see that the larger the penalty coefficient the closer the resulting natural cubic spline becomes to a linear function (why?). For example, if we use smooth.spline(spar=2):

plot(logratio ~ range, data = lidar, pch = 19, col = "gray", cex = 1.5)
tmp <- smooth.spline(x = lidar$range, y = lidar$logratio, spar = 2, cv = FALSE, all.knots = TRUE)
lines(tmp$y ~ tmp$x, lwd = 6, col = "tomato3")

7.6 Selecting an “optimal” penalty parameter

As discussed in class, an “optimal” natural cubic spline can be found using cross-validation, and for these linear predictors, leave-one-out cross-validation is particularly attractive (in terms of computational cost). The function smooth.spline in R will compute (and use) an optimal value for the penalty term using leave-one-out cross-validation when we set the argument cv = TRUE:

tmp.cv <- smooth.spline(x = lidar$range, y = lidar$logratio, cv = TRUE, all.knots = TRUE)
# tmp.cv$spar = 0.974
plot(logratio ~ range, data = lidar, pch = 19, col = "gray", cex = 1.5)
lines(tmp.cv$y ~ tmp.cv$x, lwd = 6, col = "blue")

7.6.1 Sanity check (always a good idea)

Note that the optimal value found for the regularization parameter (spar) is also returned in the element $spar of the object returned by smooth.spline. Just as a sanity check we can now call smooth.spline with cv = FALSE and manually set spar to this optimal value, and verify that we obtain the same fit:

plot(logratio ~ range, data = lidar, pch = 19, col = "gray", cex = 1.5)
lines(tmp.cv$y ~ tmp.cv$x, lwd = 8, col = "blue")
tmp <- smooth.spline(x = lidar$range, y = lidar$logratio, spar = tmp.cv$spar, cv = FALSE,
    all.knots = TRUE)
lines(tmp$y ~ tmp$x, lwd = 3, col = "red")

7.7 The problem of outliers and other model departures

When the data may contain outliers and/or other atypical observations, the estimation methods discussed above may be seriously affected, even if there are only a few such aberrant data points in the training set (possible outliers in the test / validation set are also a concern, but we don’t have time to discuss it here). Some robust estimation methods based on splines exist. See for example (Tharmaratnam et al. 2010) and references therein. Software in R implementing this method is available here.