19  Single layer neural network

This example using the ISOLET data illustrates the use of simple neural networks (NNs), and also highlights some issues of which it may be important to be aware. As we discussed in class, NNs typically have more parameters than observations and a number of tuning parameters that need to be chosen by the user. Among these: the number of hidden layers, the number of units in each layer, the activation function, the loss function, a decaying factor, and the initial point at which to start the optimization iterations. In the example below we illustrate some difficulties that can be encountered when trying to find which tuning parameters to use to train a NN.

In order to focus on the concepts behind NN, we will use the nnet package in R. This package is a very simple implementation of NNs with a single hidden layer, and relies on standard optimization algorithms to train it. Such simple setting will allow us to separate implementation / optimization issues from the underlying model and ideas behind NN, which carry over naturally to more complex NNs.

For our example we will use again the ISOLET data which is available here: http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/ISOLET, along with more information about it. It contains data on sound recordings of 150 speakers saying each letter of the alphabet (twice). See the original source for more details. The full data file is rather large and available in compressed form. Instead, we will read it from a private copy in plain text form I made available on Dropbox.

19.1 “C” and “Z”

First we look at building a classifier to identify the letters C and Z. This is the simplest scenario and it will help us fix ideas. We now read the full data set, and extract the training and test rows corresponding to those two letters:

xx.tr <- readRDS("data/isolet-train.RDS")
xx.te <- readRDS("data/isolet-test.RDS")
lets <- c(3, 26)
#> [1] "C" "Z"
# Training set
x.tr <- xx.tr[xx.tr$V618 %in% lets, ]
x.tr$V618 <- as.factor(x.tr$V618)
# Test set
x.te <- xx.te[xx.te$V618 %in% lets, ]
truth <- x.te$V618 <- as.factor(x.te$V618)

We train a NN with a single hidden layer, and a single unit in the hidden layer.

a1 <- nnet(V618 ~ ., data = x.tr, size = 1, decay = 0, maxit = 1500, MaxNWts = 2000)
#> # weights:  620
#> initial  value 350.425020 
#> iter  10 value 41.176789
#> iter  20 value 18.095256
#> iter  30 value 18.052107
#> iter  40 value 18.050646
#> iter  50 value 18.050036
#> iter  60 value 18.048042
#> iter  70 value 12.957465
#> iter  80 value 6.912100
#> iter  90 value 6.483391
#> iter 100 value 6.482796
#> iter 110 value 6.482767
#> iter 120 value 6.482733
#> iter 120 value 6.482733
#> final  value 6.482722 
#> converged

Note the slow convergence. The final value of the objective value was:

#> [1] 6.482722

The error rate on the training set (“goodness of fit”) is

b1 <- predict(a1, type = "class") # , type='raw')
mean(b1 != x.tr$V618)
#> [1] 0.002083333

We see that this NN fits the training set perfectly. Is this desirable?

We now run the algorithm again, with a different starting point.

a2 <- nnet(V618 ~ ., data = x.tr, size = 1, decay = 0, maxit = 1500, MaxNWts = 2000)
#> # weights:  620
#> initial  value 336.934868 
#> iter  10 value 157.630462
#> iter  20 value 61.525474
#> iter  30 value 48.367799
#> iter  40 value 42.896353
#> iter  50 value 37.039697
#> iter  60 value 36.481582
#> iter  70 value 27.239536
#> iter  80 value 20.422772
#> iter  90 value 20.410547
#> final  value 20.410540 
#> converged

Compare the attained value of the objective and the error rate on the training set with those above (6.482722 and 0, respectively):

#> [1] 20.41054
b2 <- predict(a2, type = "class") # , type='raw')
mean(b2 != x.tr$V618)
#> [1] 0.008333333

So, we see that the second run of NN produces a much worse solution. How are their performances on the test set?

b1 <- predict(a1, newdata = x.te, type = "class") # , type='raw')
mean(b1 != x.te$V618)
#> [1] 0.03333333
b2 <- predict(a2, newdata = x.te, type = "class") # , type='raw')
mean(b2 != x.te$V618)
#> [1] 0.03333333

The second (worse) solution performs better on the test set.

What if we add more units to the hidden layer? We increase the number of units on the hidden layer from 3 to 6.

a1 <- nnet(V618 ~ ., data = x.tr, size = 3, decay = 0, maxit = 1500, MaxNWts = 2000, trace = FALSE)
a2 <- nnet(V618 ~ ., data = x.tr, size = 3, decay = 0, maxit = 1500, MaxNWts = 2000, trace = FALSE)

The objective functions are

#> [1] 6.482738
#> [1] 9.052402e-05

respectively, and their performance on the training and test sets are:

b1 <- predict(a1, type = "class") # , type='raw')
mean(b1 != x.tr$V618)
#> [1] 0.002083333
b2 <- predict(a2, type = "class") # , type='raw')
mean(b2 != x.tr$V618)
#> [1] 0

b1 <- predict(a1, newdata = x.te, type = "class") # , type='raw')
mean(b1 != x.te$V618)
#> [1] 0.03333333
b2 <- predict(a2, newdata = x.te, type = "class") # , type='raw')
mean(b2 != x.te$V618)
#> [1] 0.04166667

Again we note that the (seemingly much) worse solution (in terms of the objective function whose optimization defines the NN) performs better on the test set.

What if we add a decaying factor as a form of regularization?

a1 <- nnet(V618 ~ ., data = x.tr, size = 3, decay = 0.05, maxit = 500, MaxNWts = 2000, trace = FALSE)
#> [1] 5.345279
a2 <- nnet(V618 ~ ., data = x.tr, size = 3, decay = 0.05, maxit = 500, MaxNWts = 2000, trace = FALSE)
#> [1] 5.345279

Now the two solutions starting from these random initial values are the same (the reader is encouraged to try more random starts). How does this NN do on the training and test sets?

b1 <- predict(a1, type = "class") # , type='raw')
mean(b1 != x.tr$V618)
#> [1] 0
b1 <- predict(a1, newdata = x.te, type = "class") # , type='raw')
mean(b1 != x.te$V618)
#> [1] 0.008333333

Note that this “regularized” solution which corresponds to a slightly better solution than the worse one above in terms of objective function (but still much worse than the best ones) performs noticeably better on the test set. This seem to suggest that it is not easy to select which of the many local extrema to used based on the objective function values they attain.

Another tuning parameter we can vary is the number of units in the hidden layer, which will also increase significantly the number of possible weight parameters in our model. The above solution uses 1858 weights. We now add more units to the hidden layer (6 instead of 3) and increase the limit on the number of allowable weights to 4000:

a1 <- nnet(V618 ~ ., data = x.tr, size = 6, decay = 0.05, maxit = 500, MaxNWts = 4000, trace = FALSE)
#> [1] 4.172022
a2 <- nnet(V618 ~ ., data = x.tr, size = 6, decay = 0.05, maxit = 500, MaxNWts = 4000, trace = FALSE)
#> [1] 4.172023
b1 <- predict(a1, type = "class") # , type='raw')
mean(b1 != x.tr$V618)
#> [1] 0

b2 <- predict(a2, type = "class") # , type='raw')
mean(b2 != x.tr$V618)
#> [1] 0

b1 <- predict(a1, newdata = x.te, type = "class") # , type='raw')
mean(b1 != x.te$V618)
#> [1] 0.008333333

b2 <- predict(a2, newdata = x.te, type = "class") # , type='raw')
mean(b2 != x.te$V618)
#> [1] 0.008333333

Note that both of these two distinct solutions fit the training set exactly (0 apparent error rate), and have the same performance on the test set. We leave it to the reader to perform a more exhaustive study of the prediction properties of these solutions using an appropriate CV experiment.

19.2 More letters

We now repeat the same exercise above but on a 4-class setting.

lets <- c(3, 7, 9, 26)
x.tr <- xx.tr[xx.tr$V618 %in% lets, ]
x.tr$V618 <- as.factor(x.tr$V618)
# testing set
x.te <- xx.te[xx.te$V618 %in% lets, ]
truth <- x.te$V618 <- as.factor(x.te$V618)

The following tries show that a NN with only one unit in the hidden layer does not perform well. As before, we compare two local minima of the NN training algorithm. First we show the values of the corresponding local minima of the objective function, and then their error rates on the training and test sets.

a1 <- nnet(V618 ~ ., data = x.tr, size = 1, decay = 0, maxit = 1500, MaxNWts = 2000, trace = FALSE)
#> [1] 6.482735
a2 <- nnet(V618 ~ ., data = x.tr, size = 1, decay = 0, maxit = 1500, MaxNWts = 2000, trace = FALSE)
#> [1] 789.9009
b1 <- predict(a1, type = "class") # , type='raw')
mean(b1 != x.tr$V618)
#> [1] 0.001041667
b2 <- predict(a2, type = "class") # , type='raw')
mean(b2 != x.tr$V618)
#> [1] 0.5010417
b1 <- predict(a1, newdata = x.te, type = "class") # , type='raw')
mean(b1 != x.te$V618)
#> [1] 0.4708333
b2 <- predict(a2, newdata = x.te, type = "class") # , type='raw')
mean(b2 != x.te$V618)
#> [1] 0.4791667

Note that the error rates on the test set are 0.471 and 0.479, which are very high. Better results are obtained with 6 units on the hidden layer and a slightly regularized solution. As before, use two runs of the training algorithm and look at the corresponding values of the objective function, and the error rates of both NNs on the training and test sets.

a1 <- nnet(V618 ~ ., data = x.tr, size = 6, decay = 0.05, maxit = 500, MaxNWts = 4000, trace = FALSE)
#> [1] 9.037809
a2 <- nnet(V618 ~ ., data = x.tr, size = 6, decay = 0.05, maxit = 500, MaxNWts = 4000, trace = FALSE)
#> [1] 9.171046
b1 <- predict(a1, type = "class") # , type='raw')
mean(b1 != x.tr$V618)
#> [1] 0
b2 <- predict(a2, type = "class") # , type='raw')
mean(b2 != x.tr$V618)
#> [1] 0
b1 <- predict(a1, newdata = x.te, type = "class") # , type='raw')
mean(b1 != x.te$V618)
#> [1] 0.0125
b2 <- predict(a2, newdata = x.te, type = "class") # , type='raw')
mean(b2 != x.te$V618)
#> [1] 0.0125

The error rates on the test set are now 0.013 and 0.013, which are much better than before.

19.3 Even more letters

We now consider building a classifier with 7 classes, which is a more challenging problem.

lets <- c(3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 13, 26)
#> [1] "C" "E" "G" "I" "L" "M" "Z"
x.tr <- xx.tr[xx.tr$V618 %in% lets, ]
x.tr$V618 <- as.factor(x.tr$V618)
# testing set
x.te <- xx.te[xx.te$V618 %in% lets, ]
truth <- x.te$V618 <- as.factor(x.te$V618)

The following code trains a NN with 6 units on the hidden layer and moderate regularization (via a decaying factor of 0.3 and an upper limit of 4000 weights).

a1 <- nnet(V618 ~ ., data = x.tr, size = 6, decay = 0.3, maxit = 1500, MaxNWts = 4000, trace = FALSE)
#> [1] 102.1805
a2 <- nnet(V618 ~ ., data = x.tr, size = 6, decay = 0.3, maxit = 1500, MaxNWts = 4000, trace = FALSE)
#> [1] 100.5938
b1 <- predict(a1, type = "class") # , type='raw')
mean(b1 != x.tr$V618)
#> [1] 0
b2 <- predict(a2, type = "class") # , type='raw')
mean(b2 != x.tr$V618)
#> [1] 0
b1 <- predict(a1, newdata = x.te, type = "class") # , type='raw')
mean(b1 != x.te$V618)
#> [1] 0.01909308
b2 <- predict(a2, newdata = x.te, type = "class") # , type='raw')
mean(b2 != x.te$V618)
#> [1] 0.01193317

Note that in this case the NN with a better objective function (100.5938029 versus 102.1805373) achieves a better performance on the test set (0.012 versus 0.019), although the difference is rather small. Conclusions based on a proper CV study would be much more reliable.

You are strongly encouraged to study what happens with other combinations of decay, number of weights and number of units on the hidden layer, using a proper CV setting to evaluate the results.